Wednesday, November 11, 2009

vintage books galore

So, I talked about one fabulous vintage book blog in this post a few months back, but I've recently run across a few more and had to share. I just can't get enough of these!

I came across UK Vintage's flickr collection via a post on Drawn! It's a fun collection of mostly pulpy paperback covers like this one:
A friend turned me onto A Journey Round My Skull a couple of months ago and I've since lost hours to it. Will (no last name shown) shows an extensive collection of book covers and interior illustrations, as well as other art and design, from all over the world. There's some really amazing stuff here - these are just a few of my favorites:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for publishing this post. These illustrations are very catchy and interest grabbing too. I have a collection with me as well. But, I have some print copies of them.
